Your betting behavior is linked to the level of risk that you allow yourself on sports betting platforms. Chance, however, must always stay somewhere in your mind and must in no way be minimized, we stay on sports. Losing happens.
Not all bettors have the same character and the same passion. Several strategic postures are characterized, but the big combined with big rib and the shots of surprising masters are part of the everyday life of any bettor-trader.
Others choose responsible 엔트리파워볼 betting, playing on very low odds (less than 2) in order to keep a minimum profitability in the long term and continue to bet regularly.
- Winning over a long period requires taking the risks considered. Too cautious, and you will fall into a circle of minimal and random gains, without fulfilling the surprises which can hurt very much. Prefer double chances, for maximum profitability in the medium and long term, it’s proven, it works well.
- Even if you now consider betting only at double chance, this does not guarantee your long-term or even short-term winnings. Finding your best way to bet remains the best way to achieve a good performance.
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Strategy: free analysis and advice and tips on this blog and following us on our social networks
At a time when the main sports competitions are adjourned in this context weighing on health crises, the coronavirus pandemic having a significant impact on most sectors; that of sports betting is not spared.
All in the same boat
All market operators are affected – without exception. Indeed, Winamax, the other giant of sports betting in France has affirmed via its partners RMC and RMC Sport an amount of bets divided by 5 since the beginning of the health crisis. With an average amount wagered around 3.5 million euros per week, Winamax sees itself desperately deserted. A normal weekend of competition on the French market is almost 10 million euros of money wagered on the platform; just like a classico alone can generate more than 1 million euros in volume.
Other sports still active are benefiting from this impossibility of betting on their favorite matches . Australian football has the side, remains to understand the rules. Belarusian football sees him reach betting volumes equivalent to an average match in Ligue 1. For the institution, the use of partial unemployment is inevitable for most players in the sector at least until the resumption of competitions.
Is poker the only remedy?
Online poker tournaments could save the day. Indeed, Winamax in the lead, this side of the online gambling market has not stopped.